Welcome to Millesime Golden Retrievers


Ritzilyn Diamond Jack at Millesime (Oscar)
1st Post Graduate Dog - Dog Challenge Certificate - Best of Breed
Judges - Mrs E Pope (Dogs) - Mrs Judy Gregory (Bitches)
Our first Challenge Certificate, we are delighted!

Ritzilyn Diamond Jack at Millesime

We have lived in Surrey for the last fourteen years and have owned Golden Retrievers since 1994. We were fortunate to get our first two boys from Lynne and George Hennessy, owners of the renowned Ritzilyn Kennels. Jack and Harry had wonderful temperaments, were great characters and had good looks to match. Once you have a Golden Retriever in your life a house seems very empty without one.

In 1995 we went back to Lynne and George and got Raif, followed a year later by Rumour. Sadly these boys have now gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but remain in our hearts.

Our current family of six consists of Rory, River, Darcy, Oscar, Ollie and Tati. Our boys have always been and will continue to be members of our family first and foremost. Their welfare and happiness comes above all else. Our boys live in the house and have the best diet we can provide.

We started showing in October 2011 and have thoroughly enjoyed the competition and most importantly the new friendships made.

During 2013 Ollie gained his Junior Warrant and both River and Oscar gained their Stud Book numbers, making us very proud. Oscar gained his first Reserve Challenge Certificate in October 2013 at South Wales Kennel Association Championship Show.

Our goal is to ensure that our boys have a full, active, healthy and happy life. If they brush up well and enjoy a show then that’s fine with us too!